Full descriptionListing ID: CORTIJOS A: ALPHA
The Cortijos 'A' cabin offers a spacious, modern retreat perfect for families or larger groups seeking luxury and comfort. With a private pool and a scenic terrace, guests can savor panoramic views of Pantabangan Lake and mountains. The interior is equipped with all the essentials for a comfortable stay, making it a wonderful spot for family gatherings and bonding.
- Private pool with a scenic terrace for outdoor relaxation
- A table and 2 chairs for shared meals or casual relaxation
- Air conditioning to keep the cabin cool
- Mini-fridge for food and drink storage
- Wi-Fi access for entertainment and convenience
- Private bathroom with shower
- Outdoor barbecue grill for family cookouts
Ideal for family gatherings or group vacations, Cortijos 'A' seamlessly blends modern comfort with the beauty of nature, offering a luxurious experience.